Busting 5 Myths Regarding Ceramic Paint Protection in Cars
Here in Oklahoma, ceramic paint protection has garnered skyrocketing popularity. But with popularity, have come misconceptions and myths. The car coating market has placed ceramic on some sort of magical pedestal that can solve all your paint protection problems but in truth, ceramic is only human(made). We want to give you an honest picture of what ceramic coating can and can not do for your car. Before we begin breaking down the myths we would like you to consider this bitter pill to swallow - no paint coating, ceramic, or otherwise can provide 100% protection to your car.
Let’s get to some myth-busting now!
Myth #1 I’m Not Going To Need To Wash My Car Regularly
We have seen a lot of people ask if getting a ceramic coating means they can lax on maintaining their car, but we can confirm this in fact, is false. Instead, what ceramic coatings do is make the car easier to clean. It also stays clean for longer periods of time. It is important to note here that if you leave visible grime and dirt on a ceramic coating for way too long, the pH-neutral soap will still have a hard time cleaning it up.
Myth #2 Ceramic Coatings are Permanent
It is true that the ceramic paint protection forms a permanent bond to the clear coating of your car, but the term ‘permanent’ is a bit misleading here. The ceramic coating certainly lasts long but the sun, dirt, and environmental fallout will eventually take a toll on the ceramic. If a service provider claims that their coating is permanent, it is a red flag. You should take a closer look at the fine print for loopholes that void your warranty.
Myth #3 My Ceramic Coating will Peel Off
Ceramic forms a thin but extremely durable bond on top of the car’s clear coat. Unlike paint, ceramic layers don’t fall apart as a peel. It just wears off of the top gradually. When you begin noticing water beading and dirt sticking to the coat, you can gauge that the coating needs a redo.
Myth #4 I Can Apply Ceramic Paint Protection on My Own
Well, myth number 4 is true and then it’s not. Applying ceramic paint protection is relatively easier than other types of coatings, but it’s not necessarily a DIY process. Before a ceramic coating is applied, the car’s exterior is to be made free of blemishes. To address chips in the paint of old cars, you should get a correction and polishing done. Only once the car has been thoroughly washed, clayed, and polished is it ready for the ceramic coating.
Myth #5 Ceramic Coated Cars Can Only be Washed with Water
Water can only be used to clean light dust off your car. If we are looking at tougher dirt, water is seldom strong enough. A lot of our customers ask us if they can use soap to clean ceramic, thankfully, yes, you can. Use a mild, pH-neutral soap to gently do away with the grime. If you are faced with stubborn stains, work in sections and repeat the cleaning process a couple of times.
Car Coating Solutions in Comfort and Style
Protint Window Tinting is one of the best places in town for window tinting and car coating services. We make sure that our customers find us easy to work with. To reach out to us visit our contact page via the website.